How to Get Unhigh: Tips for Sobering Up Fast

Looking to get unhigh? As a cannabis enthusiast, experiencing a Cannabis high is one of the best feelings. When you toke up your favorite nug, you’ll experience sudden bursts of creativity, euphoric sensations, and ultimate relaxation. As a Cannabis lover, getting high is probably the easiest part, but what about sobering up?

Sobering up after a Cannabis high is equally important as attaining the perfect high. Read on to learn ways to ward off an unwanted high or get you back to a place where you’re enjoying your high again.

If you want to know how to get unhigh, you have come to the right place.

Consuming edibles can lead to one of the longest-lasting highs where even sleeping may not fully offset the effects of the Cannabinoid in your system.

When consuming cannabis, it’s important to be mindful of the dosage that you are putting into your body.


Getting Unhigh


Getting Unhigh, What Do I Do If I’ve Smoked Too Much Cannabis?

If you have unwanted anxiety or paranoia, you may have consumed too much Cannabinoid. There are ways to help mitigate some of these unwanted feelings, which we will discuss below. First, we’ll address common mistakes people make that can worsen the unwanted side effects they are trying to mitigate. High-potency cannabis products with more Cannabinoid per milligram typically have a longer-lasting high, although the intensity may not necessarily increase. If you have consumed too much cannabis, there are ways to lower the unwanted effects you may feel.

Should I Drink Coffee?

It is debatable whether someone should drink coffee or not when trying to get unhigh. You won’t get “unhigh,” but it can increase focus and alertness, which can help balance Cannabinoid’s relaxing effects.

Caffeinated beverages can also have dehydrating effects, but if you drink plenty of water, you will replenish your fluids and help your body process both the Cannabinoid and the coffee.

The only thing that will fully remove the cannabis high after smoking will be sleeping it off, so coffee is a bad idea if you are planning to sleep it off.

Coffee and other caffeinated beverages can make a person feel worse as they try to get rid of their unwanted Cannabis high. Even if you are just trying to get your high down to a more enjoyable level, caffeine will also make this harder. Just drink water or another enjoyable non-caffeinated beverage.


10 Things to Do To Get ‘Unhigh.’


How to Get Unhigh With Sleep


1. Try to Fall Asleep (You’ll be fine in a few hours)

If you need to get unhigh, try falling asleep. If that is possible in your situation, it will always be the most effective way to ward off unwanted Cannabis highs. It may be difficult to do so if you are agitated after smoking Cannabis or consuming edibles.

Falling asleep can be difficult for someone feeling agitated after smoking pot or taking edibles. Going to sleep, even if for a short period of time, will be the best way to fully reset your mind and lower the psychoactive effects of Cannabinoid in your body. Continue reading for 9 others strategies you can try before attempting to sleep.

2. Take a Shower

Take a Shower If you are at home, taking a shower or bath is an ideal way to calm down and relax while waiting for the Cannabinoid effects to wear off. Putting yourself in a bath or shower is the body’s equivalent of splashing cold water on your face. It can help you re-engage your mind and body. Even a hot shower can help ease stress and tension and allow you to get back into enjoying your high again.

Cold showers are known to lower your heart rate, which studies have shown can lower anxious feelings in some people. Of course, if you don’t want to take a cold shower, you don’t have to, but if you don’t, it’s important to splash cold water on your face.

You can also place an ice pack or a cool cloth on the back of your neck if that isn’t an option. Put your head in the freezer if all else fails. Whatever must be done! A cold shower can help make you more alert, and then you can take a hot shower afterward to relax.

3. How to Get Unhigh Using CBD

If you have access to CBD, you’re in luck. Some studies have shown that CBD might actually temper down the effects of smoking, helping reduce your heart rate and freshen up your head. This is a great alternative to getting high and will help you to get unhigh at the same time! Since CBD can block cannabinoid receptors in the brain, it can effectively cut down the effects of your high. Nowadays, you can get CBD gummies, joints, edibles, and more, in practically any dispensary and pharmacy out there. Prepare your next sesh by getting some CBD products here.

4. Meditate and Give It Time

Try to Meditate, focus on your breath. By doing so, you can help reduce feelings of anxiety in your head and get back to a better place mentally. Just giving it time and resting your mind will do wonders. Even if you cannot take a nap or go to sleep, staying calm and waiting it out goes a long way toward feeling less high. Staying calm can only help the situation.

5. How to Get Unhigh Drinking Fresh Water

Drinking plenty of fresh water will help to speed up the digestive process of the Cannabinoid within your body if you ate edibles, plus it will offset other negative side effects of smoking Cannabis (dry mouth.) Drink all the water you can! Oral dryness from Cannabis use will make the feelings of Cannabinoid feel worse on you.

6. Eat Lemons

Traditionally, lemon has been used to counter a Cannabis high for generations. In the 10th century, Persian doctor Al-Razi advised people to drink fresh water and ice or eat acid fruits to prevent the “harms” of swallowing cannabis seeds or hashish. Lemons have a lemony aroma due to the terpene limonene found in them. In theory, limonene may reduce anxiety and depression by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain.

7. How to Get Unhigh Using Black Pepper

Some people swear black peppercorns help them feel more immediate relief. Neil young is among the people who swear this provides instantaneous relief. Peppercorns or black pepper contains the terpenes pinene and caryophyllene, which help tone down the psychoactive effects of Cannabinoid. Simply put, this can help rid you of your Cannabis high. Ironically, these terpenes are also commonly found in many cannabis strains!

8. Try to Eat a Big Meal

While there is scientific evidence that indicates eating a large meal will diminish the effects of alcohol when someone has had one too many drinks, there is only anecdotal evidence to suggest someone can reduce the effects of Cannabinoid by doing so. It may make falling asleep easier which would help since you would be “unhigh” when you wake up.

9. Take Vitamins and Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen has been shown to reduce the psychoactive effect in Cannabis. Using Ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce the negative side effects of Cannabinoid you may be experiencing.

10. Get Some Fresh Air

To make your high more enjoyable, one of the best things you can do is get some fresh air. Getting you blood pumping by going for a walk or a jog will help reduce unwanted feelings of anxiety or paranoia. By doing so, you get a change of scenery from the environment you’re in with something new to focus on.

If you have a dog or other pet that you take on walks, this may be a great time you help them get some fresh air too! If you have a cat, this could also be a great opportunity to take them outside and enjoy your patio or backyard.

What Do I Do If I’ve Had Too Many Cannabis Edibles?

Stay around your immediate surroundings, the last thing you need to add to unwanted effects are unfamiliar places that could make your situation feel worse. Getting some fresh air might help, but try to stay around your immediate vicinity.

Make sure to avoid alcohol if you are in a position where you want to lower or end your cannabis high. Drinking will only dehydrate you more and make your cannabis high worse. Some people say a few black peppercorns helped bring them almost instantaneous relief. Seek medical attention if you really just that high.

If I Eat a Big Meal, Can I Get Unhigh?

While there is scientific evidence that indicates eating a large meal will diminish the effects of alcohol when someone has had one too many drinks, there is only anecdotal evidence to suggest eating a big meal will negative effects after cannabis ingestion. It may make falling asleep easier which would help since you would be “unhigh” when you wake up.

People react differently to Cannabis, as it may have stronger effects from person to person. Be aware of the effect of Cannabinoid prior to consuming any edibles. Getting unhigh is not always as easy as getting high in the first place. Different cannabis strains produce different effects. For this reason, some strains may be more helpful for inducing sleep in restless users suffering from insomnia than others.


The Body When High


What Does It Feel Like Being High?

To get high for the first time, start with a small dose. It may be wise to use half the suggested serving size on your product label (or a small puff if you’re using a preroll). After taking a serving or dose of Cannabinoid, it might take 15 to 30 minutes for the Cannabinoid to enter your bloodstream and for you to begin to feel high. It will vary from person to person on how long it will take to get unhigh, from any specific dose.

The chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (Cannabinoid), which produces the “high,” travels from the lungs through the bloodstream and into the brain when a person smokes Cannabis.

Cannabinoid interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the human body when ingested. Different physical and mental effects are caused by the interaction between Cannabinoid and the cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) within the nervous and immune systems.

Smoking Cannabis produces different highs for different people. In the most pleasant stages of a high, people tend to feel.

  • Euphoric
  • Relaxed
  • Giggly
  • Hungry
  • Creative

Altered sensory perceptions

Unlike LSD or shrooms, cannabis doesn’t make you hallucinate, but colors appear brighter, your surroundings (even familiar ones) seem strange, and music may seem more enjoyable. How to get unhigh? As a pro tip, we suggest having a good playlist ready if it’s your first time enjoying Cannabis. When you consume too much Cannabis, you may experience enhanced sensations that make you feel paranoid or too self-conscious.

Increased Creativity

Euphoria associated with the release of dopamine can make you laugh, especially when you are with friends or express yourself creatively through writing, reading, or meaningful conversation. Cannabis users have claimed smoking Cannabis made creative activities more enjoyable. Many studies are currently being conducted to better understand the relationship between creativity and Cannabinoid. This has prompted us to write an article on how to get unhigh, just in case you get too creative!

Relaxation (in low doses)

Low doses of cannabis can help you feel relaxed and better manage your stress. On the other hand, too much can have the opposite effect and lead to a more negative mood.


By making our senses more sensitive to tastes and smells, as well as by interacting with hypothalamic endocannabinoid receptors, Cannabinoid can cause us to crave food. After ingesting Cannabinoid, it often leads to the release of something called ghrelin, which some refer to as the “hunger hormone.”

When you’re high, your ability to taste food is enhanced, so you’ll naturally want to eat more and more (and more).

What Are The Negative Effects?

You can also experience unwanted effects such as anxiety, confusion, delusions, nausea, paranoia, and psychosis. This is known as a bad high. However, these effects only come when you take too much cannabis or consume cannabis products with high doses of potent Cannabinoid.

How Do I Know If I’ve Consumed Too Much Cannabis?

No official threshold exists on how much cannabis makes a person too high. This is a relative statement. However, if you are feeling anxious, paranoid, or fatigued, you may have overdone it.

How to Get Unhigh, After an Edible?

Need to get unhigh from ingesting edibles? Edibles deliver Cannabinoid through your digestive system and last longer than any other method of cannabis consumption. Edible highs last longer than any other consumption method, so exercise caution when eating them.

Breathing exercises help reduce anxiety and panic attacks. They may also reduce paranoia in a difficult situation like that. If you are feeling anxious and you are having trouble warding off those feelings, the best you can do is just get some sleep.

Consuming edibles can lead to one of the longest-lasting highs where even sleeping may not fully offset the effects of the Cannabinoid in your system.

When consuming cannabis, it’s important to be mindful of the dosage that you are putting into your body.

Common effects of smoking too much cannabis –

One common side effect of overconsuming edibles and other forms of cannabis is feeling sleepy or fatigued. Sometimes this effect is desired—in fact, one reason to get a medical Cannabis card is to help manage insomnia and other sleep disorders.


How to Get Unhigh


How To Get Unhigh – Final Thoughts

Breathing exercises help reduce anxiety and panic attacks. They may also reduce paranoia if you feel like you are too high. If you are feeling anxious and you are having trouble warding off those feelings, the best thing you can do is just get some sleep.

To prevent getting too high, it’s important to be aware of the dosage of Cannabinoid right for you and the occasion. If you do end up getting too high, drink plenty of water, take a shower, and try to get some rest. Coffee is helpful if you have to get through the high but just need to overcome mental fog.

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